Nick Hinzo Passes the FXR Bazaar Reigns to Kyle Cassano

Nick Hinzo Passes the FXR Bazaar Reigns to Kyle Cassano

Announced on Instagram, posted on May 30, 2024 by Nick:

"First and foremost I would like to thank you ALL for all of the support over the years!

This page was grown from nothing. No bought followers, organic and well fed!

For the past 2-3 years my work schedule has been out of control and I found myself attempting to balance it all. I gave everything that I could for as long as I could and recognize that the page needs someone with more time and energy to put forth to all of you.

My love for FXRs has not subsided and will still be seeing many of you.

The page will be under new ownership @kylecassano starting today.

My main goal was to bring FXR dudes together. To have a safe and secure place to buy, sell and trade everything FXR related. I've met some great friends through this page and I hope you all have too!

Give me a follow @enhinzoh and @thebazaarbook!

Again, thank you all, Nick


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